To Paris with Love for the Dress
Interview with Art Student Cheyenne Dawson
“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”
― Coco Chanel
Have you ever seen someone walk into the room and everyone's head turns and they say to each other who is that. Recently I was at a fashion show in Huntsville, Alabama called Alabama Fashion Alliance.
Just before the fashion show was about to begin and the social was concluding. I looked the room over one more time to find a shot.
As a one of photographer's for the fashion show part of my responsibility was pre-show photography.
The room was full of interesting and friendly attendees who were more than willing to have their photo taken.
Just as I thought I had covered all of the photo opportunities for the pre-show - at that moments there seemed to be a calm in the room. Just then, a young lady that walked in the room with a wonderful dress; and everyone was very fascinated her and the dress.
At first I thought it was the only one that noticed so I asked her if I could take a few photos. I thought she might be modeling a dress for the fashion that could be featured in the show later on.
Other fashion shows I have worked with will have the models walk the floor before the show begins to build the anticipation.
The next thing I notice was that all the photographers started taking pictures of this wonderful young lady and her beautiful dress. This confirmed my photo instincts that something special was going on.
Somewhere in the process of taking pictures and noticing how others were responding to the dress and I expressed an interest in doing an interview for a the story behind the dress at a later date.
Everyone in the room was wondering where the dress came from. So I asked where did you get that dress she said I purchased the dress in Paris, France.
Cheyenne worked for two summers raising money and working jobs to save for the trip to Paris. She was able to be the recipient of a scholarship to sponsor part of the trip and with some help from her parents the adventure was funded.
That just goes to show you that hard work and support of others is needed to be successful.
Alabama to New York City
“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”
― Confucius
The trip starts traveling from Alabama to New York City with a two days of shopping and Broadway shows.
Cheyenne was able to do some shopping in New York City and take in a few Broadway shows. She was able to keep the shopping purchases to a basic level in New York City knowing that the real treasures are found in Paris, France.
“If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.”
― Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast
Once the team of art students had made it safely to Paris, France with the help of their leadership, the real adventure started. The art students stayed De Gaulle.
Most of the trip had been completely planned and booked with activities that related to the art school. But as Cheyenne Dawson luck would have
Cheyenne was able to find a boutique clothing store while walking around in the Musee du Louvre area of Paris. She saw the perfect dress in the window.
We've all been window shopping before and most of us just enjoy the adventure of finding new things.
When Cheyenne found the dress shop she saw the ideal dress in the window. But the dress shop was closed. She immediately started making plans on how she could double back later to the dress shop when it was open.
“I cap myself when I shop; I don't like to spend extravagant amounts on clothes. But, I do get lent clothes for events, it's scary to wear something so expensive, but I feel really pampered.”
― Taylor Swift
Finally, some free time on the trip in Paris. Allowing just enough time to double back to the dress shop and see if the dress was still there.
When she arrived at the dress shop she was greeted by a sales clerk that did not speak English and this made it somewhat difficult to communicate.
In the process, she quickly found out that the designer only makes one-of-a-kind dresses and the only dress she really wanted was the dress in the window.
So before asking the sales clerk to pull the dress out of the window, Cheyenne tried on a few dresses in the shop to make sure the sizing was correct.
Then, with some willpower and southern charm,
You may be wondering how much does a Monsieur D.
More at - Designer is Monsieur D. - HANDMADE CLOTHES IN PARIS - WWW.MONSIEURD75020.COM
Let's just say that it is an investment. But when you save and you have the money you can buy the dress.
Wearing the dress in the USA
The dresses first day out was on Cheyenne's Valentine's date 2015. The funny thing about preparing for the date she had a job interview in Huntsville, Alabama and was not able to wear the dress to the interview and had to make a quick change in a public restroom from {everyday working girl} to Paris fashion diva. The date went off as planned.
The second time she was able to wear the dress out was the fashion show in Huntsville, Alabama sponsored by Fashion Alliance Alabama. The fashion show was at the Design Lab in Huntsville, Alabama and most recently the dress was used for a photo shoot.
Things Cheyenne Learned from the Paris Trip:
Make money and save it for the right dress.
Most people in Paris are nice.
But there are a few people that will take advantage of tourist.
Also, there are a few vendors in the area that will force you into a situation to my things that you may not be interested in buying.
Have cash.
Have a VISA.
Plan to go shopping for a fabulous fashion iconic item that you'll appreciate the rest of your life.
Travel with a group.
Have a tour guide.
Tipping is not appreciated in Paris it is not acceptable in most situations not acceptable in Paris to tip.
Taking the subway in Paris and New York is a great way to save money.
What would you buy in Paris?
Kenneth Purdom Photography Columbia, TN
wedding photography, portrait photography, senior photography, fine art photography, fashion photography